As per usual, Lucy helped out as best she could during the blocking process.
Finishing this shawl did cause me to evaluate the last nine months. I certainly have not achieved everything I wanted - my work, though interesting, is infrequent, leading to weeks where I am crazy busy intersected by days watching repeats of Friends and Sex and the City. I have lost weight, but not as much as I wanted. Overall, even though I have some way to go, I am certain that I am on the correct path and heading in the right direction. Yay me.
Enough navel-gazing - here's the vital statistics:
Pattern: Bitterroot Shawl from Knitty
Yarn: Patonyle, three full skeins in black. This sock yarn is terrible for socks, but perfect for a lovely, soft, drapey shawl. Go figure.
Notes/modifications: Knitted the size large exactly as written. The pattern was clear, easy to understand, and completely stress free. A very nice project.