It's the middle of the afternoon and I am writing this from my bed, where I have been firmly installed since yesterday afternoon. I had an operation done yesterday which involved lasers, gynaecology and general anaesthetic, none of which appear on any of my lists of favourite things. Lucy loves me being in bed (in her ideal world there is never any wind or rain, the cat food bowl is always full and there's constantly one human in a stationary position who can be sat on and purred at. What a life!) but I hate the feeling of being fuzzy in the head. I'm mainlining pain pills like they're going out of fashion and planning on getting up soon - mind you, I defining "getting up" as moving from the bed to the couch (that counts, right?). I was organised enough to make sure I had lots of milk, eggs and coffee to get me through a weekend where I couldn't drive to the shop, I just wish I'd realised there was no way I'd want to prepare any food and taken out enough cash to pay for a pizza! I wonder which pizza places allow me to pay by credit card over the phone...
In Other News:
Melbourne has recently experienced a sweltering heatwave. I usually love the heat but even I started to feel a bit worn down but the relentless heat buffering me every time I stepped out the door. However I do recognise an opportunity when I see one and, since I have lived in Melbourne long enough to know that punishing heat is always followed by punishing cold (the weather gods are vengeful and cruel in this part of the world), I started my winter knitting early. These are the Amanda Hat and the ubiquitous Honey Cowl knitted in Punta Yarns Merisoft Aran, which I received as a gift a few years ago from my friend Lisa but didn't blog about because, well, I'm a sucky blogger. When the cold weather strikes and everyone else is scrambling for their winter coats and hoodies, I shall be prepared. I shall never be cold again! <insert evil laugh here>.
Hope you all are enjoying your weekends and are having a much more fun time than I am :)