Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy birthday to me!

It was my birthday last week and (surprise surprise) it involved much too much food and lots of (but not too much! I'm old now) wine. Recent family dramas meant the focus was not on me this year but as I get older (and boy, do I feel older right now) I feel less of a need to make the first week of January All About Me. Growth as a person or general all-pervasive laziness? You decide :)

My birthday preset to myself this year was a kettle bbq.

I have never thought of myself as a charcoal grill kind of person but I love it! Cooking on it smells fantastic and it is super easy to use. I just need to figure out how to cook vegies on an open grill rather than a hotplate  (cast iron pan? disposable foil pans? marinated veggie skewers?) and I can do a complete meal without messing up my kitchen at all. Any appliance that produces delicious tasting food *and* encourages my housework sloth is a perfect addition to my house.

 Any bbq recipes or charcoal-cooking tips would be greatly appreciated because I'm sure there's lots of things I can do - I think I'm really going to have a lot of fun with this.


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