Monday, January 20, 2014

It's been a while...

Hello! I've been a bit absent lately but I have a good excuse - it's been hot. Really really hot. So hot that  I had to ring a client and tell them I'd be delivering their job late because the heat affected my ability to work. So hot that some time on Thursday my body started making sloshing sounds when I walked because I'd been drinking such a lot of water (I started to worry a little bit about my kidneys at that stage, but they were fine). It was so hot that on Friday, I enforced the heat policy on my life and spent the afternoon watching 1970s Robert Redford movies. No one man should be that beautiful! 

But three things that did like the heat were my zucchini plants. These two turned in to …

..this one...

..and these four... look like this.

Given how big the the grown plants are, I suspect that the reason only 50% of these garden ones and none of the potted ones survived is the they need quite a bit of space. Hopefully I'll be eating zucchinis soon (side note: no-one told me that when they first start growing, zucchinis look like teeny tiny green penises. You think that would have come up somewhere, but no.)

Due to the heat I haven't been doing much knitting but I did manage to get to the border on my Luxury OpArt.

I'm doing a three-stitch icord to create what will hopefully be a nice-looking finish. The yellow is much brighter than that - it's just very washed out by the early morning light. The baby's due in nine days, so I'd better get cracking! 

Of course, no catch-up blog post would be complete without Lucy looking at me resentfully for not paying enough attention to her.

Sorry Lucy! I'll be right with you.


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