Monday, July 2, 2012

A Long Lazy Weekend (Dry July Day 2)

Today is Day 2 of my Dry July project. I had this idea that might blog every day as another way of keeping me accountable, but, honestly, I think some posts would be all 'I'm so zen and relaxed and who needs wine anyway? I've got herbal tea!' while others would be 'AARRGGGHHHH!!! WINE!!!' and really, that would be fun for nobody, so that won't be happening.  But I do think that the key for avoiding alcohol for a whole month is accountability, so do expect fairly repetitive frequent paragraphs involving thoughts of wine, delicious wine, and the fact that I am abstaining from drinking any. Fun times for all involved.

I had a lovely weekend. I had the whole house to myself from Friday through to Sunday and the best way to describe it would be completely delightful. I actually had plans to do things on Friday and Sunday but I cancelled them and then spent the whole weekend on my couch in my pyjamas with my cat and my knitting. It was wonderful! I watched French films (The Women on the Sixth Floor  - two thumbs up and gosh, Paris is beautiful; Beautiful Lies - two thumbs down but gosh, regional France is beautiful), art house films (Marcy Martha May Marlene - one thumb up and one thumb down. It was interesting and intriguing and creepy but the non-ending totally sucked arse. When I watch a movie I want a complete coherent tale, not a bloody choose-your-own-adventure; Fish Tank - two thumbs down. It was bleak and depressing and creepy and not in a good way. Even Michael Fassbender couldn't save it, although his performance was very good) and a black and white Classical Hollywood screwball comedy (The Lady Eve - absolutely divine! Barbara Stanwyck, I heart you). Sam, for all of his many good qualities, has a strictly mainstream film appetite, so I really have the opportunity for the Belinda-led one-person film festivals I used to do at uni all the time. Today I feel recharged and definitely more cultured than I was on Friday. I also really want to go on a holiday to France - maybe some day...

Tomorrow: a new project to keep me focused through the long dry July days because what I really need now is more new projects. Oh dear!


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